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Driveway Drawings and Plans Online

Do you need planning drawings for driveway application? Driveway Planning Permission Drawings

You don't even need an architect. 


If you're planning a driveway, we are here to help. We have the knowledge at what councils expect when you're looking for planning permission for driveway. This includes dropped kerb planning permission and vehicle crossovers


Our driveway plans come at a Low Fixed Cost from the Start

Planning Drawings for a Driveway

Driveway Plans and Drawings Online

Being able to park your vehicle on your own driveway has many benefits:


  • Ease of access.

  • Safety

  • Adding Value to your Property

  • Aesthetically Pleasing.


These just a few reasons why lots of homeowners are planning a driveway. Planning for a driveway isn't that difficult and we are here to help your create the driveway plans you require as part of any driveway planning application.


It is important if you decide you would like a new driveway that you ensure you're following the council guidelines. Especially as it may affect your neighbours. We can help create planning drawings for driveways


Browse through our recently created driveway drawings. Our Driveway planning drawings come at a Low Fixed Cost

Planning Drawings Step by Step

Driveway Plans / Driveway Planning Permission

This is where it can get confusing and it is the reason we created this online driveway planning drawings service. We get a lot of people asking us questions about planning application drawings for driveway.

What do I need for a driveway planning application?
Do I need planning permission for an driveway?
Architects drawings for an extension?
How much are drawings for an extension?


You will be required to make a planning application to your local council in order to be granted permission to build your driveway if it is over five square metres and are not using a permeable material. This is due to increased amounts of water that goes into the storm drains. Part of the process includes consulting the local transport and highways department.

Driveway Planning Drawing
Driveway Planning Drawing
Driveway Planning Drawing
Driveway Planning Drawing

Driveway Planning Permission Drawings

Planning a driveway and submitting a driveway planning application can seem daunting because of the overwhelming amount of information. Below are a few things to be considered.


1. Planning for Driveway Gates / Fences


You will need to apply for planning permission if you wish to erect or add to a fence, wall or gate and:


  • it would be over 1 metre high and next to a highway used by vehicles (or the footpath of such a highway); or over 2 metres high elsewhere; or

  • your right to put up or alter fences, walls and gates is removed by an article 4 direction or a planning condition; or

  • your house is a listed building or in the curtilage of a listed building.

  • the fence, wall or gate, or any other boundary involved, forms a boundary with a neighbouring listed building or its curtilage.


2. Dropped Kerb Planning Permission / Vehicle Crossover Planning Permission

Usually when your vehicle leaves your property boundary. It must cross the pavement into the highway. This is when a vehicle crossover is included in the application and ultimately a dropped kerb planning application. This will allow you to access the highway from your property.


If you are making a new access into your garden across a footpath. You will need to obtain permission form the local council to drop the kerbs and the pavement may need strengthening. This is to protect any services that are buried below such as mains water pipes.


In high traffic areas. Councils may request that you must enter and leave your property in a forward gear. This means that you must have space available to turn the vehicle around inside your property boundary


Planning Drawings for any project!

Fixed Cost from the Start!

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose us.png

There are many services you can find online to create planning drawings. They will also offer instant quotations. What sets us apart is the cost and quality. Our quotation form is simple and asks basic questions about your proposal.


  • We do not charge anything extra for setting up and submitting your planning application.

  • We do not charge you extra for completing additional planning application forms which take less than a minute to complete.

  • We do not charge your later for modifications, if required.

  • We do not have ANY 'Add on's'. The cost you receive is the cost you pay. 


We are a family business, part of Apex CAD Drawing & Planning LTD.

Our Services

Pre-Application Advice

What is required for my planning application?

Building Regulation Drawings

Full Set of Building Regulation Drawings. Fixed Cost From the Start

UK Wide Service & Surveys

We cover the whole of the UK with our services. 

Building Regulation Applications

We can setup & monitor your Building Regulation Application

Planning Application Drawings

Full set of Planning Drawings. Fixed Cost From the Start!

Structural Calculations

We can prepare Structural Calculations for you if required

Planning Application Management & Setup

We can setup & monitor your Planning Application

Build-Over Agreements 

We can create drawings if your proposal is building on or near a sewer 

Our Work

Here you can browse our recent work. We are updating this continuously. If you would like to see other projects then please contact us


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